Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Challenge #3: Set a spending limit...and stick to it.

Tracking my spending is what opened my eyes to this mess in the first place, so it only seems appropriate that I look at my spending and make some changes. Up until this minute, I've had no specific clothing budget. I had a monthly spending budget, but I always ended up blowing it. Probably because I never watched my spending on clothing, and when real bills came I had to pay them, thus putting me over budget.

My first step was figuring out how much I should spend on clothes. So I did a little research (or "Goog-search") and was surprised to find no real definitive answer. I read everything from 2% of your salary to 8%, but nothing over 8%. I ended up finding a great tool for budgeting at The Washington Post. Pretty handy, and it uses the top of threshold which works for me. Last year I spent 18% of my salary on clothes. I can't go all the way down to 2%. That's a recipe for failure. So 8%....

I also did some other calculations. I'm supposed to be saving 10% of my salary and I'm not doing that. So I need to factor that in. Surprisingly, even though I live in New York, I was on target for my rent! So after crunching all of the relative numbers, I came up with $750 per month to spend on clothes.

Now to me, and I'm sure to most people, that's looks like a LOT of money. It's a hugely generous budget that allows for designer purchases. I am again floored by the fact I was spending more than TWICE that on average every month and have so little to show for it. I am mad at 2009 me. She's stupid.

So far this month I'm under my budget. I've spent $540 ($360 on the Lim top, and $180 on a Calvin Klein knee length down coat). That leaves me $210 left to spend. But I don't have to spend that. I need to keep reminding myself that $750 is the maximum I can spend, not the minimum I should spend.

Although I might get those Seychelles shoes...I'd still be under budget. Hee hee!

12 days to go this month...I wonder if I'll make it.

1 comment:

  1. Very interested to see if you stick to it. It will force you to be smarter about your purchases, for sure, and to keep in mind that you need to save your budget for bigger purchases (new bags, new shoes!)
