Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's still cold - WTF Spring?

It's the end of April and yet it's cloudy out with gusty wind and a high of 56. Not cool, Mother Nature. Not cool. So today is about warmth and comfort, which does not always equal fashionable. Back from a long hiatus are the BR skinny jeans ($89). Paired it with a BR brown tee($35) and an army green jackety-thingy that I gout at a little boutique somewhere for just $60. I've worn it a ton of times, just always seems to come in handy. Boots are Nine West and were $100 I think.

Two more days until I get my new shopping budget. Blew April's in the first week so I haven't been shopping at all!! Proud of my restraint but ready to get a few new pieces. Any suggestions on what I should buy for summer? I NEED a pair of black work appropriate shoes, so those are a must buy. But other than that I plan to have fun!

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